Parking Citations

Coach Zones or Bus Zones are reserved for buses only. Standing, stopping or parking under any circumstances is prohibited. Bus zones are marked by signs or red colored curbs and are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Fines for vehicles stopped at a bus zone are set by the State of California and begin at $250.00.
Citations must be paid or a Request for Administrative Review must be submitted within 21 days of date citation issued, but no later than 14 days if a Delinquent Parking Violation Notice was issued. If payment is not received by the final due date, late penalties will be added and a hold will be placed on your D.M.V. registration. No Request for Review will be accepted after the due date - NO EXCEPTIONS.
Pay a Citation
By mail: Make check or money order payable to Alameda County A.C.
Transit. Include the citation number and vehicle license plate number on
the check or money order. Mail payment to:
AC Transit – Enforcement Processing Center
P.O. Box 3214
Milwaukee, WI 53201-3214
By web, go to
By phone, call 1-866-353-7147. Only Visa and MasterCard credit cards are accepted.
Request for Administrative Review
Write a letter stating why you think the citation should be reviewed. Include citation number, vehicle license plate number and your complete mailing address in your letter. You may submit any supporting documents or photos (documents and photos will not be returned) and mail to:
AC Transit – Enforcement Processing Center
P.O. Box 3214
Milwaukee, WI 53201-3214
Your letter must be received within 21 days of date of citation. NO EXCEPTIONS. Once your letter is received, you will receive a response in the mail within 6-8 weeks.
If you are not satisfied with the results of the initial review, you can request and file for an Administrative Hearing. You must file your Administrative Hearing request within 21 days of receiving the results of your initial review. You must submit the full payment for the citation at the time you submit your request for a hearing.
A hearing can be conducted either in person or in writing. If you choose to have a hearing decided on a written statement, you must include all relevant information in your statement. If you request a hearing in front of a Hearing Examiner, you will be notified of your hearing date by mail. You should be prepared to explain or provide supporting documents, records, or witnesses describing why dismissal of the citation is warranted. If you fail to appear for your scheduled hearing, your citation will be upheld and your fine amount will be forfeited.
Mail your Request for Administrative Hearing, including a check or money order for full payment of citation (indicate citation number on your payment) to:
AC Transit – Enforcement Processing Center
P.O. Box 3214
Milwaukee, WI 53201-3214
The Hearing Examiner will review and determine if your citation is dismissed. If dismissed, your fine amount will be refunded be mail.
If you are not satisfied with the Hearing Examiner decision, you may file for a hearing in Small Claims Court. The Court’s decision is final.
Contact Parking Enforcement Center
Call 1-866-353-7147, Monday thru Friday 9AM – 4:30PM. At greeting press the 0 key. Continue to press the 0 key until the voice system tells you to hold for a representative. You must have your citation number or vehicle license plate number in order for the representative to assist you.
D.M.V. Holds
Once a D.M.V. hold has been placed on your vehicle registration for failure to pay the citation, the hold will not be removed until the citation is paid in full.