Board of Directors

Board of Directors Meetings
Regular meetings are held the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:00 pm.
(The Board generally holds one meeting per month during the months of August, November and December and Special meetings as necessary.)

General Information
- Candidate Information (Election 2024)
- Ward Information
- Conflict of Interest
- 2021 Ward Redistricting Project
- Accessibility Advisory Committee
- Retirement Board
- Parcel Tax Oversight Committee
- BRT Policy Steering Committee (Dissolved on 10/27/2021)
Board Contact Information
Board of Directors
Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District
1600 Franklin Street, 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
Fax Number: (510) 891-4705
Standing Committees of the Board
Operations Committee Joel Young, Chair | The Operations Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all activities associated with the operation of the District’s bus service and administrative business functions. In addition, the Committee shall be responsible for oversight of the Board’s operational and personnel policies. |
External Affairs Committee H.E. Christian Peeples, Chair | The External Affairs Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all activities associated with promoting the District’s interests primarily through legislation, marketing, customer services, and community outreach. In addition, the Committee shall be responsible for oversight of the Board’s administrative and legal policies. |
Planning Committee Jovanka Beckles, Chair | The Planning Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all planning, construction and engineering activities, including the development of new and modifications to existing bus service provided by the District to its customers. In addition, the Committee shall be responsible for oversight of the Board’s service development, planning, environmental and Title VI policies. |
Finance & Audit Committee Diane Shaw, Chair | The Finance and Audit Committee shall be responsible for reviewing issues involving District financial matters primarily the preparation of the operating and capital budgets, mid-year adjustments and review of the audited financial statements. In addition, the Committee shall be responsible for the oversight of the Board’s fiscal policies. |
AC Transit Financing Corporation Annual December Meeting | The AC Transit Financing Corporation became incorporated under the laws of the State of California on May 6, 1988. The Corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is organized pursuant to the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law of the Sate of California for the purpose of rendering financial assistance to the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit) by financing, refinancing, acquiring, constructing, improving, leasing and selling of buildings, building improvements, equipment and other public improvements, lands and any other real or personal property for benefits of residents of the District and surrounding areas, to promote the common good and welfare of residents of the District and surrounding areas, and to borrow the necessary funds. |
Internal/External Board Liaison Assignments
Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) Regular Member: PEEPLES Alternate Member: SHAW DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this committee is to review, comment and advise the Board of Directors and District staff regarding the implementation of planning programs and services for elderly and disabled people. |
AC Transit/City of Berkeley Interagency Liaison Committee Regular Members: TBD Alternate Members: TBD DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this committee is to provide a cooperative framework to provide input on issues of mutual interest between AC Transit and the City of Berkeley. The committee consists of 2 members of the AC Transit Board of Directors and 2 members of the Berkeley City Council. |
AC Transit/City of Emeryville Liaison Committee Regular Members: WALSH, PEEPLES Alternate Members: YOUNG DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this committee is to provide a cooperative framework to provide input on issues of mutual interest between AC Transit and the City of Emeryville. The committee consists of 2 members of the AC Transit Board of Directors and 2 members of the Emeryville City Council. |
BART/AC Transit Liaison Committee Regular Members: PEEPLES, SHAW, YOUNG Alternate Members: VACANT DESCRIPTION: Joint meeting of two Directors from BART and two Directors from AC Transit to discuss items of mutual interest to both agencies. |
City of Hayward/AC Transit Interagency Liaison Committee Regular Members: MCCALLEY, SHAW Alternate Members: PEEPLES DESCRIPTION: This committee meets to review major plans, projects and proposals that affect AC Transit service within the City of Hayward. The purpose of the committee is to improve communication and coordination between the two bodies and attempt to resolve any outstanding issues before major decisions are made by either body. The committee is comprised of 2 members each of the AC Transit Board of Directors and the Hayward City Council. |
City of Alameda/AC Transit Interagency Liaison Committee Regular Members: SYED, PEEPLES Alternate Members: YOUNG DESCRIPTION: This committee meets to review major plans, projects and proposals that affect AC Transit service within the City of Alameda. The purpose of the committee is to improve communication and coordination between the two bodies and attempt to resolve any outstanding issues before major decisions are made by either body. The committee is comprised of 2 members each of the AC Transit Board of Directors and the Alameda City Council. |
City of Richmond/AC Transit Interagency Liaison Committee Regular Members: BECKLES, PEEPLES Alternate Members: YOUNG DESCRIPTION: This committee meets to review major plans, projects and proposals that affect AC Transit service within the City of Richmond. The purpose of the committee is to improve communication and coordination between the two bodies and attempt to resolve any outstanding issues before major decisions are made by either body. The committee is comprised of 2 members each of the AC Transit Board of Directors and the Richmond City Council. |
City of Oakland/AC Transit Interagency Liaison Committee Regular Members: PEEPLES, WALSH, VACANT Alternate Members: YOUNG DESCRIPTION: This committee meets to review major plans, projects and proposals that affect AC Transit service within the City of Oakland. The purpose of the committee is to improve communication and coordination between the two bodies and attempt to resolve any outstanding issues before major decisions are made by either body. The committee is comprised of 3 members each of the AC Transit Board of Directors and the Oakland City Council. |
City of San Leandro/AC Transit Interagency Liaison Committee Regular Members: VACANT, MCCALLEY Alternate Members: PEEPLES DESCRIPTION: This committee meets to review major plans, projects and proposals that affect AC Transit service within the City of San Leandro. The purpose of the committee is to improve communication and coordination between the two bodies and attempt to resolve any outstanding issues before major decisions are made by either body. The committee is comprised of 2 members each of the AC Transit Board of Directors and the San Leandro City Council. |
District Parcel Tax Fiscal Oversight Committee Regular Members: MCCALLEY Alternate Members: PEEPLES DESCRIPTION: This committee’s primary responsibility is to review the most recent fiscal year end annual audit to determine whether funds generated by District’s parcel tax measures have been expended in accordance with the intentions of the voters. It also provides a report of its findings to the Board of Directors on an annual basis. The Committee is composed of seven members appointed by the District’s Board of Directors and serve a three-year term. Meetings are held annually (usually in November) and are open to the public. |
Retirement Board Regular Members: YOUNG Alternate Members: PEEPLES DESCRIPTION: The Retirement Board meets regularly to perform specific duties, including determining qualification for individual retirements; employing actuaries, investment consultants and money managers to assist in administering the fund; and advising the District’s Directors on retirement plan issues. |
Service Review Committee (SRC)/Advisory Comte (SRAC) Regular Members: PEEPLES Alternate Members: SHAW DESCRIPTION: East Bay Paratransit has a rider advisory committee called the SRAC which meets quarterly. The SRAC provides advice and comment to the General Managers of AC Transit and BART. Because all meetings are public and noticed in advance, the SRAC also provides a forum for public input and participation in the oversight of ADA paratransit. SRAC members typically review and comment on: • Quarterly performance data for the ADA system • Projected budgets and demand levels • Measure B claims • Proposed changes to policies or major operating procedures • Customer satisfaction surveys |
South Alameda County Policy Committee [D‐2 Fremont/Newark] Regular Members: SHAW, YOUNG Alternate Members: PEEPLES DESCRIPTION: This committee was initially established to provide the policy framework for the Collaborative Transit Development Plan of 2000. The PAC consists of two elected officials each from Fremont and Newark that are appointed by the mayor and councils of each city and two AC Transit Directors appointed by the board president. The primary responsibility of the PAC is for developing the goals and objectives for the Transit Development Plan and deciding how best to engage the public. |
Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) Regular Members: PEEPLES Alternate Members: VACANT DESCRIPTION: The Alameda CTC’s mission is to plan, fund and deliver a broad spectrum of transportation projects and programs to enhance mobility throughout Alameda County. |
Alameda County Conference of Mayors Regular Members: MCCALLEY Alternate Members: YOUNG DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this organization is to: develop and maintain a means of cooperative effort and understanding in matters of mutual interest and concern; assemble information helpful in the consideration of problems peculiar to the various areas of the county; provide guidance for united action by their respective cities in dealing with local municipal affairs; serve as city-county relations organization; consider, study and make recommendations regarding metropolitan area problems; explore all applicable avenues of thought advances in the interest of local public welfare and improved administrative policies. |
Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Regular Members: WALSH Alternate Members: NONE DESCRIPTION: ABAG is the official comprehensive planning agency for the San Francisco Bay region. ABAG's mission is to strengthen cooperation and coordination among local governments. In doing so, ABAG addresses social, environmental, and economic issues that transcend local borders. The Bay Area is defined as the nine counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma. All nine counties and 99 of the 101 cities within the Bay Area are voluntary members of ABAG, representing nearly all of the region's population. ABAG is governed by a 38-member Executive Board that meets every other month on the third Thursday beginning in January. Members are appointed by their county, city, or mayor’s conference/cities association to represent cities in their county. |
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Regular Members: WALSH Alternate Members: NONE DESCRIPTION: The Board of Directors oversees the Air District as it develops policies, plans, rules, permits, enforcement, outreach, and grant programs to protect air quality, public health, and the global climate. The Air District’s Board of Directors is made up of 24 locally elected representatives from 9 Bay Area counties. Each county’s population determines the number of representatives on the Board, as follows: • Marin and Napa: 1 representative each; • Solano and Sonoma: 2 representatives each; • San Francisco and San Mateo: 3 representatives each; • Alameda, Contra Costa, and Santa Clara: 4 representatives each. The Board has 11 standing committees that assist the District in its mission to improve air quality, protect public health and global climate. Rules and regulations are adopted by a majority of the Board, with public hearings required before rules are changed or adopted. Questions or comments to the Board may be sent to the Clerk of the Boards. To ensure your message is presented at the next Board meeting, be sure to send it 24 hours before the meeting starts. |
Contra Costa Conference of Mayors Regular Members: BECKLES Alternate Members: NONE DESCRIPTION: The Contra Costa County Mayors’ Conference has existed since the mid 1950’s. Its purpose is to be an educational forum for elected officials and a place to network and exchange information. Additionally, the Conference takes positions on issues facing member agencies. The Conference meets on the first Thursday of each month. Meetings are held in one of the 19 Contra Costa communities. |
Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) Regular Members: PEEPLES Alternate Members: NONE DESCRIPTION: The Contra Costa Transportation Authority was formed to manage the billion-dollar public investment (Measure C), oversee the design and construction of new projects, and carry out what would be the county’s first Growth Management Program. The Authority Board is composed of two elected officials from each of the four sub-regions of Contra Costa: Southwest County, Central County, East County and West County, plus two County Supervisors and a representative of the Conference of Mayors. |
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) (Incl. “842”) Regular Members: BECKLES Alternate Members: SHAW DESCRIPTION: Created by the state Legislature in 1970, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is the transportation planning, coordinating and financing agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. The Commission’s work is guided by a 19-member policy board. Fourteen commissioners are appointed directly by local elected officials (each of the five most populous counties has two representatives, with the board of supervisors selecting one representative, and the mayors of the cities within that county appointing another; the four remaining counties appoint one commissioner to represent both the cities and the board of supervisors). In addition, two members represent regional agencies — the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission. Finally, three nonvoting members have been appointed to represent federal and state transportation agencies and the federal housing department. |
Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) Regular Members: SHAW Alternate Members: VACANT DESCRIPTION: The TJPA Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from the City and County of San Francisco and the State of California, including the SF Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA), the Office of the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors; the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit); and the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board-Cal-train, composed of the City and County of San Francisco, the San Mateo County Transit District, and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. |
West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee Regular Members: BECKLES Alternate Members: PEEPLES DESCRIPTION: WCCTAC participates in defining and implementing policies, programs, and projects to improve local and regional transportation and air quality. WCCTAC is one of four Regional Transportation Planning Committees in Contra Costa County. WCCTAC is governed by a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement between the following member agencies: the cities of El Cerrito, Hercules, Pinole, Richmond, San Pablo; Contra Costa County; and the transit providers, AC Transit, BART, and WestCAT. |